"Seeing the things that CrossFit has done for me personally has been great, but watching those changes happen with our members has been so rewarding!"
Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CF-L3)
USA Weightlifting Level 1
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Burgener Strength Weightlifting Level 1
Gymnastics Certificate
Lesson Planning Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the Flaw Certificate
Anatomy Certificate
CPR/AED Certified
Before finding CrossFit, a few times a week I would go to a regular gym and run on the treadmill or elliptical. I was inconsistent, and I never touched a single weight. I heard about CrossFit and finally decided to get it a try in early 2012. It was a little intimidating walking in and seeing all these people do things I had never even dreamed of. The first time I walked into CrossFit Eminence, they were doing some weird upside-down thing on the wall (handstand push-ups) and I was thinking to myself “uhh what am I getting into?!” But I gave it a try and I liked it!
I wasn’t super consistent at first, coming to CrossFit classes maybe 2-3x a week while taking a week or so off here or there. I remember my first time completing the workout, “Fran,” I used 5 bands for the pull-ups and an empty barbell for the thrusters… and it took me around 14 minutes. It wouldn’t be until the end of 2013 that I would get the first pull-up of my life!
CrossFit changed my life. CrossFit is functional fitness, and it really does transfer to other areas of life. As cheesy as it sounds the fundamentals of CrossFit are essential to living a long functional life. No one likes doing burpees but being able to get on the ground and get back up, is a crucial part of life. I don’t particularly like moving furniture, but I love that CrossFit has taught me the proper way to pick things up and put them down while keeping my body safe. Now for my favorite part about my 10 years in CrossFit - being a coach! I love helping people learn the sport of CrossFit. I love watching them achieve things they didn’t think were possible. Seeing the things that CrossFit has done for me personally has been great, but watching those changes happen with our members has been so rewarding! Being able to coach them through the difficult lifts and harder skills and seeing that “ah ha” moment when something clicks with them, is just amazing. I feel so fortunate to have found CrossFit and to be able to be a part of people’s lives through coaching.